Are Running Shoes Good for Walking? Discover the Surprising Benefits

Are running shoes good for walking? A surprising discovery is making its way through the internet, and I’m here to share it with you!

If you’re a frequent jogger or perform a lot of walking in your training regimen, then what’s the best type of footwear to wear? While some experts suggest that runners should steer clear from wearing sneakers while they’re out jogging, others maintain that these athletic shoes aren’t ideal for walking.

Hmmm… So which one should we believe? Let’s analyse this intriguing conundrum!

Are running shoes good for walking: Evolution

When running shoes first entered the market, many consumers were skeptical about their suitability for walking as well as jogging. However, today’s running shoes are gradually becoming more accommodating towards casual wear; making them more suitable for morning commutes or casual strolls in nature.

are running shoes good for walking
Are running shoes good for walking?

The evolution of running footwear began with the introduction of lightweight cushioned runners and trekking boots in the early 1900s by Norman Silas Choate, who introduced a model called the ‘Choate’ – an effortless way to experience newfound freedom while strolling along with ease whilst releasing one’s inhibitions without compromising comfort; all without sacrificing any sense of propriety!

Which Shoes Are Best for Walking?

In addition to their versatility, running shoes are also ideal for walking. While you may find yourself in varied settings like the office or on a stroll through the park – whether it’s with your dog or by yourself – these kicks will adapt well to any situation.

Your choice of footwear can impact your gait and stride. To ensure that you’re maximizing the benefits of your new running shoes, check out this handy guide from The Science of Running! Similar topic, Can I Use Running Shoes for Badminton?

Are running shoes good for walking on concrete?

Some experts believe that running shoes don’t necessarily provide the best support when it comes to walking on hard ground.

Because many runners use their appendages as springboards, they may end up sustaining painful injuries simply because they’re in motion.

If you choose a sturdy pair of footwear while out-and-about, they’ll provide all-around support during your leisurely strolls.

are running shoes good for walking on concrete
Running shoes for walking on concrete

Three highly rated running shoes good for walking on concrete or any hard surfaces:

1. Brooks Ghost 15: Known for its plush cushioning and smooth ride, the Brooks Ghost 15 offers excellent support and comfort for both running and walking on concrete.

2. New Balance Fresh Foam 1080v11: This shoe features a soft and responsive Fresh Foam midsole, providing a comfortable and supportive experience during long walks on concrete surfaces.

3. ASICS Gel-Kayano 27: Designed with ASICS’ renowned Gel cushioning technology, the Gel-Kayano 27 offers excellent shock absorption and stability, making it a great option for walking on hard ground.

Are running shoes good for everyday use?

A plethora of models are available for running; however, many runners choose to make the switch from their standard road or trail shoes to a more specialized type. These include racing flats (such as the adidas Ultraboost), minimalist footwear and stability shoes.

A common complaint among people switching to running shoes is that they find them bulky. However, you shouldn’t let this deter you! Many running shoes are now available in casual designs with decreased tread depth. This means that even if you wear your chosen pair of sneakers every day at work or school – they still won’t be cumbersome! A true example can be Saucony Kinvara 13!

running shoes for everyday use
Everyday use running shoes

Here are three highly rated running shoes that are suitable for everyday use:

1. Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 37: The Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 37 is a versatile running shoe that offers a comfortable and responsive ride. It features cushioning technology and a durable outsole for everyday use.

2. adidas Ultraboost 21: The adidas Ultraboost 21 is known for its exceptional comfort and energy return. It has a stylish design and provides excellent cushioning and support, making it a great option for daily wear.

3. Brooks Adrenaline GTS 21: The Brooks Adrenaline GTS 21 is a stability running shoe that offers a comfortable fit and reliable support. It has a cushioned midsole and a durable outsole, making it suitable for everyday use.

Are running shoes good for working out?

For athletics, a training shoe is an indispensable addition to your ensemble. However, for those seeking to get fit with little exertion – choose from our varied selections! You can select from Ryka training shoes, which are ideal for walking; or even those intended for running.

running shoes for working out
Running shoes for work out

Whether you’re striving to burn fat or jettison pounds and inches, the right footwear will help you achieve your fitness goals and sustain them over time. Perhaps your ideal attire is simply more comfortable than ever before! After all, how could it be anything less than perfect when it comes to getting one’s sweat on? You may also check, Can Training Shoes Be Used for Walking?

Here are three highly rated running shoes that are suitable for working out:

1. Nike Metcon 8:The Nike Metcon 8 is a top choice for those looking to amp up their workouts. With its durable construction and stable platform, it’s perfect for weightlifting, HIIT sessions, and other high-intensity exercises.

2. Reebok Nano X2 : The Reebok Nano X1 is designed to handle any workout you throw at it. It offers excellent stability, flexibility, and cushioning, making it a versatile option for various training activities.



3. New Balance Fresh Foam 860v11: The New Balance Fresh Foam 860v11 is a running shoe that also works well for workouts. It offers a cushioned and responsive ride, as well as stability and support. It has a breathable upper and a durable outsole, making it suitable for gym sessions and outdoor workouts.

What Does the Science Say About Running Shoes for Walking?

The pertinent inquiry for this article is whether running shoes provide any benefit when worn for walking. Indeed, their perfect design suggests that they are ideal for both activities!

Though the answer isn’t quite so simple – there exist differing opinions on this matter.

On one hand, science constantly reveals how running shoes increase stride length, thereby facilitating a more balanced gait while walking. This can be advantageous, since it prevents falls and allows individuals to remain upright more stably; meanwhile also aiding in reducing knee soreness!

On the flipside, however – contrary to popular belief – running shoes do not necessarily improve performance during walking. If anything these could even adversely affect movement patterns and potentially lead to possible injuries like shin splints and Achilles tendinitis.

Is There a Difference in Injury Rates Between Walking in Running Shoes and Other Shoes?

The question of whether or not running shoes cause injury more frequently than non-running walking shoes has yet to be conclusively answered.

The data that exists on this topic is inconclusive. Regardless, many assume that wearing a pair of custom-made footwear would mitigate the risk associated with arthritic injuries while maintaining foot health.

Final Thoughts: Can You Wear Running Shoes for Walking

Last but not least, we’ve examined why running shoes are an ideal choice for those who want to begin walking while they’re still new to this activity. For the many benefits those barefoot-style models offer over their cushioned counterparts – comfort and enhanced proprioceptive awareness during movement are just two!

And if you’re looking for a way to venture outside your comfort zone and engage in some new goal setting, perhaps investing in a more flexible design like the New Balance MT10 v2 could be just what you need.

Conclusion: Are Running Shoes Good for Casual Use?

Ultimately, few running shoes are good for walking or casual use as named above!

If you want to run faster and further, it makes sense to invest in a more elevated running shoe. However, if you’re just starting out or simply wish to cut down on costs – opting for a less expensive option such as STQ shoes may be ideal. For a cost-effective option, purchasing a pair of running shoes for all-day comfort walking is never a bad idea!


  • Maria Sharif

    Maria is a fashion lover turned product tester. Her shoe testing fixation intensified as her passion for writing grew after her graduation. She is into all things outdoor like running, mountain biking, kayaking, trail running, rock climbing, hiking in her leisure time. She is a young proactive tester in our team and she finds solitude in leafing through shoe catalogs regularly.To find the next "best" shoe she spend months with each product category. Scrutinizing popular and underrated footwear is her favorite passion these days.


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